Read more than 50 Unique Meridian University Student Reviews and Experiences

​Meridian University enrolls students globally in its hybrid and online  master's and doctoral programs in Psychology, Education and Business with concentrations available within each of these programs.

Meridian’s curriculum is designed to be integrated, innovative, experiential, and transformative.

So what do students think of their Meridian experience?
Doctoral Student
Doctoral Student
August 3, 2023

Throughout my academic journey, I have embraced the joy of learning and the pursuit of knowledge. With a focus on psychology and a passion for understanding the human mind, I have immersed myself in diverse courses and research projects. The challenges I faced only fueled my determination to grow, both academically and personally. Through late-night study sessions and juggling responsibilities, I have honed my time management and critical thinking skills. The rich experiences, supportive mentors, and transformative insights have prepared me to embark on the next chapter of my life...

Angela Taylor
Angela Taylor
March 25, 2023

I did not find a better partner for that journey that I was on. It was speaking the language and opening the doors to all of these other people speaking the same language, too...

Mardi Storm
Mardi Storm
February 26, 2023

Meridian offers a lot around learning your own countertransference and transference so that you know that you're affected, how you're affected, and also how to take care of yourself...

Cynthia G.
Cynthia G.
September 14, 2022

My overall experience at Meridian thus far has been quite transformational because the methods of presenting the teaching material, the assignments, and the classes has been quite profound. All the classes, all the teachings, and all the readings have helped me in such a way as to build my self-awareness muscle, and that has been quite palatable in my life. I appreciate the level of engagement that they [program faculty] put through with the class. I also appreciate their insights and perspective on things, but one of the things I appreciate the most is their vulnerability. That creates a...

Mary L.
Mary L.
July 27, 2022

The admissions team was great when I was first getting started. The student services team is difficult to reach, but they are helpful. Almost all the faculty have been really great. A couple faculty haven't seemed very familiar with Meridian's transformative model, which can be challenging. The online learning platform is not great but the classes are in Zoom which is fine. I haven't been on campus yet. My second academic advisor has been really helpful -- I shifted to them from the first advisor I was assigned...

James G.
James G.
July 3, 2022

I've just finished at Meridian. I wasn't sure about getting a master's degree for a few reasons: 1. My background (educationally at least) is not in psychology 2. as concerns about family and work obligations 3. I had a mixed experience with secondary and college education many years ago.Meridian's online program in psych is more engaging than you would expect given what online education used to be like. There is a A LOT of writing though. While there are in-person classes (optional) and Zoom based live classes, scheduling around those times can be challenging. I did have two great academic...

Master's Student
Master's Student
June 15, 2022

There is a lot of writing at Meridian. Each week you'll read and write substantially, both regarding your personal experience. There are live classes and what they call 'labs' which are great, but they are not too frequent and you have to make your schedule around when they take place. If you are okay doing a lot of writing and working individually, then you may succeed at Meridian. The academic advisors are GREAT...

Master's Student
Master's Student
June 15, 2022

If you only want mainstream approaches to Psychology, then this is not the place for you. But if you are open to alternative ideas, then Meridian can be an inspired experience. I personally wanted to focus on depth and transpersonal psychology and also wanted an online program. There are very few options and I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the online coursework at Meridian. It is not inexpensive, but the faculty have been great almost across the board and the program is quite flexible...

Vanessa N.
Vanessa N.
April 14, 2022

I think Meridian’s platform is amazing. It’s self-paced and online, but you do get a lot of contact with the faculty and with your peers. The faculty are so supportive and very attuned to your needs and interests. They know how to bring out things you’re afraid to admit at first. The peers are so supportive. Every time we have zoom classes or the intensives, it’s just totally life-changing. Meridian taught me a lot about myself. It was a big step in knowing who I am as a person and how I can bring this person into my professional career in the future.

Heather B.
Heather B.
March 25, 2022

When it comes to transformative learning, what I really notice is kind of exactly how they say it: it’s just landing in my body. I don’t have this stress or urgency to memorize facts. Because it’s landing in such a way, it stays with me and translates to my outside of school experience, too. One thing that I have also really appreciated about the faculty is that they really leave space in their classrooms for folks to challenge and disagree not only them as the faculty, but with each other, and use those times of challenges or disagreements as learning opportunities to see how we can expand...

Mandy J.
Mandy J.
March 15, 2022

My main goal in my career is to work in the diabetes and mental health fields, find that overlap, and do some heart-centered diabetes work. One thing that stands out about the faculty at Meridian is the amount of presence and space that they hold in our courses. Being at Meridian feels like swimming in a school of fish with other people that are all sort of going the same direction as I am, even though we all have our specialties, and I think that space has been very valuable to my creative process and my work and what I’m passionate about.

Heather R.
Heather R.
March 15, 2022

Each term, I am pleasantly surprised with what emerges from myself and what I get to witness emerge from others. My experience at Meridian has been defined completely by the people. I’ve been so fortunate to have the most wonderful classmates: so interesting, so diverse, from all over the world, from all different backgrounds and cultures. And that blending of voices and experiences creates such an interesting mix and transformative experience for myself. Add to that, the really extraordinary staff and professors that we get to interact with, and we create this container to guide us on this...

Claire L.
Claire L.
March 12, 2022

I love the assignments, the readings, the exercises and group discussions, and the dialogue with the faculty and my classmates and some guest lecturers. I love all those experiences. I think it is very valuable and eye-opening as well as touching the depth of my heart. I feel like studying at Meridian and using the format of transformative learning is really another level of learning. The whole process is a holistic process for me to become a better person and leader for the world or community I live within. Here, I feel like the faculty are all human. Even in the class, the feedback they...

Jonny F.
Jonny F.
March 1, 2022

I have had a good experience at Meridian so far. I'm in the PsyD program and online format. The key difference at Meridian is transformative learning, and it is NOT for everyone. There were a couple people who left in the first semester because they wanted traditional courses only. I understand that, but I've really appreciated the more unique approach to learning psychology from the inside out. My academic advisor is great. I wish it was easier to contact staff, but that isn't something I have to do all that often. Really all the faculty I've had have been great -- very knowledgable and...

Bethany M.
Bethany M.
December 23, 2021

I have had a positive experience at Meridian so far (about six months in). I am in the MA in Counseling Psychology program. One thing that's nice is having some classes with doctoral students and students in other programs. The faculty have been really informative and I've liked my academic advisor. I don't like that I have to use email to communicate with the administration (except for when they offered an individual orientation zoom call initially, which was helpful). They recently setup Microsoft Teams for students -- that has been good.

Tania S.
Tania S.
September 6, 2021

I have been a student at Meridian for about a year now. I was not expecting my masters to be this challenging and Meridian is not for everyone. If you just want to get the degree as easily as possible, this is for sure not for you! I Before Meridian, I actually thought I was in that group, but the transformative learning aspect has actually been really valuable. (If you don't know what that is, find out first!) The biggest downside of Meridian would be the online platform, but they are apparently replacing that? Faculty are great. Staff are.. fine, but you have to email with them mostly...

Doctoral Student
Doctoral Student
August 8, 2021

Meridian's transformative learning affected me on many levels and taught me skills I can use in my personal development and also will keep affecting those I will work with. It also taught me value of community and community building skills I can use in my work with groups. Curriculum is enriched by a variety of sources including wisdom traditions, newest scientific discoveries, cutting edge approaches to societal and environmental challenges and practical approaches to living our lives in this society and this time. I am in the last course of my Doctoral program, preparing my dissertation...

Doctoral Student
Doctoral Student
August 8, 2021

I have been a part of Meridian University for almost four years. I came here to earn my Master's degree in Psychology and shortly after I started my studies, I decided to stay and finish my Doctoral degree. I chose this University for its distinct vision and values it represents and teaches to its students. The Meridian faculty constantly strives to challenge and bring transformation to students by teaching self-reflection, ability to see different perspectives, to express their creativity and their views and to build skills that can be used for personal, professional and cultural...

Steve N.
Steve N.
June 10, 2021

My experience at Meridian has been challenging and unexpected, but ultimately very worthwhile. The faculty are passionate and experienced and from my perspective the student body comes from diverse backgrounds and perspectives. I'm still in touch with friends I made and collaborating professionally with multiple graduates -- hard to overstate the value of that. I will say that whatever you are expecting, the Meridian experience will be different than that and may be frustrating at times for sure. If you haven't read about transformative learning, do that first!

Master's Student
Master's Student
January 26, 2021

The faculty are really passionate and engaging. Classes meet in Zoom once a week, but I wish there were more Zoom calls in each course so we could spend more time with faculty face-to-face. Faculty to respond to assignments in the learning platform, but that's not the same as face to face. I've found that faculty are well educated themselves in the courses that they teach...

Master's Student
Master's Student
January 26, 2021

Meridian's master's in psychology is challenging, but I feel that in addition to being ready to take the licensure exam, I am gaining capabilities that will apply to any kind of professional therapeutic or coaching practice. I am doing the hybrid format, however due to COVID I haven't yet gone to onsite classes.

Rosa N.
Rosa N.
January 26, 2021

I have very much enjoyed all of the classes I have been taking so far and I enjoy the faculty. One thing I can say that I have not experienced until now was such kindness, compassion, and empathy with faculty. The staff at Meridian are very mindful to speak to you on a very personal level. The most challenging aspect of Meridian is looking into yourself and exploring all those things in yourself that you may or may have not known that has been inside you. The most exciting part is also the flip side of this. You just get to this level where it clicks in a way that makes you think: I’m glad...

Marcela U.
Marcela U.
January 26, 2021

My horizon has been widened by being a student here. I have learned to look at the world and myself differently. It’s very experiential and experience-based, which makes it very personal, but also I can take this personal experience and widen it and apply it in different ways to work with people or groups. It’s not just knowledge based; it’s grown into my bones and muscles and being, and I have grown with it. Meridian also taught me to actually value differences, to value diversity, look at diversity as a building material for community and society, and be creative in how we can create unity..

Evelyn S.
Evelyn S.
January 26, 2021

The transformative experience here feels like a safe walk, like you're walking with a friend who just cares and wants to see you get to the other side because they've been there and they know how wonderful it is. So, it feels like a real, sweet, gentle invitation. Organically over the time I've been here, my family relationships have just come even more alive... The aspect of the shared learning that's happening is so rich. I find myself in awe most of the time for the depth of knowledge and experience that's in the space with me. There are just some really heartfelt folks here that seem to...

Emily M.
Emily M.
January 26, 2021

I chose Meridian for a lot of different reasons. I know that I can slam through a traditional curriculum; I've done it my whole academic career. But, I almost want to say that there was a sense of a calling to try something different. It just didn't seem like an interesting enough idea to pursue a Ph.D. in the same way that I've pursued all of my prior education. I was attracted to a lot of things about Meridian that I knew would be particularly challenging for me, which is that transformational learning platform. Participation and being asked to become vulnerable around certain topics has..

Carter S.
Carter S.
January 26, 2021

It's been a really beautiful experience at Meridian to dive into putting my whole being into the learning process- instead of just listening to a lecture or reading a book, actually experiencing the learning process in my body, my mind, and expression- and weaving that all into something that I can carry with me when I leave. Professionally, it's given me a lot of fuel and ideas and concepts that I've taken into my work and used not only with my clients but with designing programs where I work. There's a lot of encouraging of imagination and experience, while also rooting us into solid...

Master's Student
Master's Student
January 24, 2021

I have only applied, not attended. Staff seems very attentive. I have watched videos on students’ previous experience and am very excited at the prospect of attending.

Camille M.
Camille M.
January 23, 2021

My time at Meridian has tremendously impacted how I am able to be present with clients... I think first and foremost there is an openness and excitement that I've been able to develop in myself for new and emergent possibilities in learning. I feel like I'm in the midst of people [Meridian faculty] who have so much of their personality and experience shining through, but also so incredibly open to learning and seeing what's unfolding with others, and that's really powerful. I experience a really responsible way of holding authority and developing community among learners. So much...

Caroline Cárdenas
Caroline Cárdenas
January 2, 2021

This endeavor, although one of the most challenging of my life, has supported me in the development of my capacities that has allowed me to grow leaps and bounds...The course work, the transformational learning experience, and my dissertation process, along with the support of the professors, faculty, and staff, has empowered and enabled me to be the best that I can be, so that I may continue to support and be of service to human beings in need. I am deeply grateful.

Stacy T.
Stacy T.
July 26, 2020

The rating of 5 stars is based on the overall experience as a student, the compassion of staff, and the diverse curriculum, and personal growth that prepared me to be a Psychologist. I chose Meridian University for the holistic and integrative approach to psychotherapy. The programs there offer students the opportunity to grow both personally and professionally. The staff was supportive throughout the time I attended especially when an unanticipated crisis arose that affected my ability to navigate the tumultuous waters of life. I felt deeply held with compassion as well as being offered...

Clara Y.
Clara Y.
July 12, 2020

I'm definitely more grounded in myself. I know more who I am because I know if I want to show up more powerful and more purposeful in my professional life, I need to be more authentic. Through this course, I am more okay with the ebb and flow of things and more recognizable when authenticity shows up in the other person and myself, and we have that special moment. I'm so much more empathetic. One thing I'm amazed by is that we got students from all over the world. I got to meet a lot of people seriously very different than me. They bring so much diversity to the classroom and make...

Brian T.
Brian T.
June 29, 2020

I searched the entire world for a graduate school that would afford me the space to craft my individual voice, my unique contribution to the world as a leader and clinician. I was given the cognitive, philosophical, experiential, and poetic implements to do just this at Meridian. What I put in was what I got out, which is just what I wanted given that I had a vision about graduate school before I entered. Having received my doctorate from Meridian I can see that it was the ideal place for incubating my potential. Like every institution there were imperfections, but these imperfections were...

Flavio E.
Flavio E.
June 23, 2020

I went through Meridian University's Ph.D. program in Psychology and found it to be an amazing and formative experience. Through the program I developed strong proficiencies as both a clinician and researcher. After graduating with a Ph.D. in Psychology, I received my California Psychologist license and worked for Kaiser Permanente (KP)'s Advanced Heart Failure Therapies' service for eleven years. The scope of my position at KP included heart transplant evaluation, presentation, psychotherapy and research. Last year, my family and I moved to Portugal, where I also obtained licensure as...

Micki M.
Micki M.
June 21, 2020

How I got to Meridian was doing my research and looking for universities that had values I align to…and I think the reason it aligns with why I care about higher education is because I’m very interested in the transformation of higher education. It’s a leadership doctorate that I’m in, and I feel that you’re a leader in your family and in everywhere in the world. I think how I’m showing up is more consistent and aware of others and the community. I’m walking a little softer in the world because of my doctorate work.

June 18, 2020

I found Meridian University through an online search for a Depth Psychology education. Perusing their website I found that one of my favorite authors was adjunct faculty. After enrollment, I encountered one world-class professor after another. The quality of education and the learning methodology allowed me to absorb the curriculum rather than memorize information. Now as a Doctor of Psychology, I carry my knowledge in an embodied way. The capacity I find most valuable as a graduate is my ability to hold complexity and challenge the mind's tendency to grasp for fantasy silver bullets. I...

Anthony S.
Anthony S.
June 16, 2020

I am a graduate of Meridian's Clinical Psychology Doctoral program. The program was challenging and required a lot of discipline. It is a small school and the size of the school allowed for an intimacy between students and faculty. This created opportunities for deep reflection and growth. We were exposed to many luminaries working on the cutting edge of psychological theory. The program is demanding in terms of scholarly focus, but if you can get through it all there are huge rewards awaiting. I am currently employed in Northern California as a supervisor for the Children's system in...

Marcela U.
Marcela U.
June 12, 2020

I have been a part of Meridian University for almost four years. I came here to earn my Master's degree in Psychology and shortly after I started my studies, I decided to stay and finish my Doctoral degree. I chose this University for its distinct vision and values it represents and teaches to its students. The University met and exceeded my expectations in many ways. It is an institution that values diversity, teaches and practices cultural humility, respects indigenous values and builds into its curriculum alternative modes of expression including Expressive Arts, myth, symbolism...

Gary B.
Gary B.
June 12, 2020

As a graduate of Meridian my experience was that it is a great place to study in an environment that fosters experiential learning and is structured for mid-career adults who need to continue working while studying. I had many wonderful learning experiences with faculty and my classmates and am now a licensed psychologist with a thriving private practice.

Terry G.
Terry G.
June 11, 2020

I graduated from Meridian with a PhD in clinical Psychology. The curriculum was both academically challenging and promoted self reflection. Today I am a successful clinical psychologist in private practice. I enjoy the respect of my peers and the satisfaction of seeing my patients improve. I treasure the experiences I had at Meridian and view my decision to attend this university one of the best decisions I ever made.

Fran S.
Fran S.
March 25, 2020

Since starting Meridian, my life has changed. I have more clarity in my intention, thinking, and everything. Because I come from a different culture, I have not had experiences with students from such a big diversity and I’ve learned a lot from them. My experience with transformative learning is quite scary. There have been a couple of times I have actually gone out of my comfort zone. I thought it was scary, but at the same time, I really enjoyed the process. I think in the experience at Meridian, you have to keep looking into yourself.

Michelle G.
Michelle G.
July 16, 2019

So far, my experience has been pretty phenomenal. It’s an incredible program. One of the things that’s really special about Meridian is the cohort culture. What’s called for is your presence, to be with the as-is in the moment, and to allow whatever’s in the room to arise without trying to fix, move, or change it. That capacity, I felt like I came into Meridian with, but I’m going to be leaving at a whole other level of ability to do that. The learning here is kind of meant to throw you for a loop and let you sit in that, and when you come out the other side, there’s a transformation that’s...

Brian T.
Brian T.
June 23, 2019

The capacity of left-right brain integration has really developed for me here, so that I can give imaginative answers that are also grounded in left hemisphere sensibilities like linguistic and analytical sensibilities. Meridian has really helped me bridge the imaginal and analytical. I'm actually feeling, for the first time in my life, genuine success. There's a sense that my vocation- my calling and what I'm meant to do here on this planet- has now aligned with how I make money and take care of myself. That coming together was really, really blissful. What more could you ask for?...

Sloan B.
Sloan B.
June 21, 2019

I remember my first week in at Meridian, we jumped right into the art of Psychotherapy and I was blown away by that. I deeply value that kind of education because I think it really gets into your bones. When I think about working with individuals, I can’t imagine relying on an education that would do it any other way. I know that the capacities that have been cultivated within me as a result of this experiential, transformational learning have really served my needs personally, and I feel more confident about how I take that into the world and working with clients.

Jon W.
Jon W.
January 23, 2019

I didn’t really know what to expect when I came here. I guess I expected that things would be very personal and that there would be a lot of depth in the work. That has met my expectation. I hoped that it would be really fun, but it’s even more fun than I expected. That’s been a wonderful and pleasant surprise. I’m called to this work in Psychology, and so now it’s like I’m answering and I get to, in a sense, come home to something I’ve been moving toward for all my existence. So, I feel so grateful and blessed to be able to study that and to have access to all the things I’m doing here.

Alison D.
Alison D.
January 23, 2019

Through personal development as well as soul searching, I decided that I wanted to be able to use dance to be able to go to more people. So, we were working bringing movement into schools as well as volunteering doing after school programs with art and children. It was really fulfilling and I really loved it and wanted to expand that. It feels like I got to choose and personalize a graduate program for myself exactly what I wanted to do. That in itself just feels exciting. I'm doing two programs at once [Tamalpa Program] and they both influence and inform each program. Both through the...

Grace F.
Grace F.
January 15, 2019

Meridian spoke of cultivating cultural leadership, and that really caught my attention. Something that was new and unexpected was the use of and focus on ritual and the learning around liminality. I feel like I’m really learning and growing in that area, and it’s enrichening my capacity to work with groups and individuals and to facilitate the process. Now, I’m aware of when ritual would be appropriate, I have ideas for what could be useful, and I also have more trust for the process and what develops in the moment because we have practiced that.

Gloria R.
Gloria R.
January 15, 2019

I’ve always wanted to fuse dance and Psychology. I think what this joint program [with Tamalpa Institute] offers me is choice, flexibility, and connecting with a network I wouldn’t have before. I have choice in how I utilize therapy, how I utilize expressive arts, and in how I want to help people. My goal after Meridian is to be an expressive arts therapist. I feel like Meridian has really prepared me for that in being able to garner how I have been affected by others, my own memories, the stories of my own cohort, the concepts and theories and topics we’ve discussed…And that awareness is...